EECS 203 Mailing List
Re: 2008SP_EECS_203-0_SEC01: Mailing list working

Re: 2008SP_EECS_203-0_SEC01: Mailing list working

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Thu Apr 03 2008 - 14:11:47 CDT

> We could use newsgroups if you wanted, I used them last quarter for two of
> my EECS classes and they worked very well.

Newsgroups do work well. I used to use a USENET group for this class.
However, when the university stopped supporting USENET, I switched to the
EECS 203 mailing list. We have a department machine for newsgroups but the
mailing list approach also works pretty well. We have an automated archive
and people who are annoyed can easily filter on the "To:" field.

-Robert Dick-
Received on Thu Apr 3 14:11:47 2008

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