EECS 203 Mailing List
Re: Dear Professor Dick

Re: Dear Professor Dick

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Mon May 26 2008 - 22:08:25 CDT

Hyerim Shin:
> I am still confused about lab 7.
> I know you have office hours from 1-2pm on Tuesday,
> but is it possible that you could have extra office hours?
> Thank you.

I will be lecturing on Tuesday. I can help anybody who is having trouble with
Lab 7 during lecture and also during office hours. I can also help people
after class until 12:30, but need to take a break from 12:30-1:00 or I won't
be able to have lunch.

-Robert Dick-
Received on Mon May 26 22:08:25 2008

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