EECS 303 Mailing List
Make-up classes

Make-up classes

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Sun Nov 02 2008 - 17:52:36 EST

I am wondering how we can make up classes when I travel. This is pretty
important because I need to go to London next week on Thursday, and also need
to go to San Jose the week after (in each case for work related to research
conferences). I have included a doodle page URL for you to indicate
available class make-up times. Please indicate all available times so I can
pick times with which nobody has conflicts. Consider this poll to be for the
days of Monday-Sunday of any week. We would actually have the make-up
classes after next week.


-Robert Dick-
Received on Sun Nov 2 16:52:36 2008

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