EECS 303 Mailing List
HW 3 and 4 mostly graded

HW 3 and 4 mostly graded

From: Mykell Miller <mykell.shih_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Tue Dec 09 2008 - 21:55:19 EST

All of HW3 and about half the classes HW4 is graded and on blackboard. I
will pick up the rest of the HW4's tomorrow when the weather gets better,
and the HW3 and HW4s will be available for pickup in L470 tomorrow. I
understand that the final is soon, so if you want to discuss the homework
before then I will be checking my email all night.

Mykell Miller
Received on Tue Dec 9 20:55:19 2008

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