ESDS Mailing List
Re: I can not download the reading materials:p

Re: I can not download the reading materials:p

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Tue Aug 21 2007 - 19:53:26 CDT

Li, Zheng:
> Hi Prof. Dick
> Is there any additional copies for the handout? Or could you pleasescan it
> and uploaded to the website? Wayne Wolf. Embedded computing systems and
> hardware/softwareco-design. In Wai-Kai Chen, editor, The VLSI Handbook. CRC
> Press, 2006 I don't have a copy and neither did my group members. Seems
> like weneed it to finish the homework. Thanks:)

I will have it scanned today. I had initially requested more copies but an
error was made.

It is fine to read Wolf's paper tomorrow. Today you can work on choosing a
project topic.

-Robert Dick-
Received on Wed Aug 22 08:53:26 2007

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