ESDS Mailing List
Re: About paper summaries

Re: About paper summaries

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Thu Aug 30 2007 - 06:46:28 CDT

> I'm now preparing the presatation and the final exam,so May I hand in all
> the paper summaries of each class`s homework on this Sat. or Sun, or
> someday before Sep.6th?

The grade will be the same if the summaries are handed in any time before the
6th. However, remember that the entire reason for the summaries is to help
you review the reading material so you do well in the exam and remember a lot
of important topics from embedded systems after the course is finished.

Remember that your talk only needs to be 5-10 minutes long and that you can
continue to improve the project until 6 September.

Best Regards,

-Robert Dick-
Received on Thu Aug 30 19:46:28 2007

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