EECS 203 Mailing List
Re: final exam compensation

Re: final exam compensation

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Wed Jun 11 2008 - 04:20:58 CDT

> Dear Prof. Dick,
> I want to talked with you about compensating the final exam. There is an
> option that you can count your midterm grade as your final grade also. This
> option is a little bit unfair to the students who sit there after 11:20 and
> try to do the final. The final is a way harder than the midterm. There is a
> possibility that not all the student who gave before 11:20 are gave because
> they should, but they gave because it is a difficult exam. My request is
> that, while you are deciding on the grades, I will be glad if you can
> consider the students who took the final and have no other option. As I
> said final is way harder than the midterm, and I believe it will fair if
> you consider the grade of the students who must count their final exam
> grade and have no other option. (explicitly from the students who counted
> their midterm grade)
> I really do not want to interfere your grading system or your decisions,
> but I believe it will be fair to other students who stayed after 11:20. I
> want to thank you alot, because you listen to me, I will be glad if you can
> just consider what I said or share what you have in mind for grading.

I cannot find fault with your reasoning. We will grade the finals and, for
each student, count whichever option permits a higher grade: midterm-to-50%
or final.

-Robert Dick-
Received on Wed Jun 11 04:20:58 2008

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