EECS 203 Mailing List
Switch Floating High and Listserv Problems

Switch Floating High and Listserv Problems

From: Bryan Taylor <infinitusagnitio_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Tue Apr 15 2008 - 20:52:11 CDT

So I tried to send this over the listserv, but I got a listserv rejected
message. However, I still get all the listserv emails, I just can't send.
Do I need a NU email address to send it out?

So I'm having a problem that when my switch is set to 0, it tends to float
high instead. So, when I have all my switches set to off, all of my JKL
LED's still light up. Is this supposed to happen, am I wiring this wrong,
or is there a problem with my switch? I also stepped through my circuit,
and the problem is definitely with my switch, ie my chips are working fine.

Received on Tue Apr 15 20:52:11 2008

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