when I simulate my program, and when it executes the part where there is a
cycling light to the right, it shows weird phenomenon
it shows
'10000000' '11000000' '01100000' '00110000' '00011000' '00001100'
'00000110' '00000011'
and then it works fine
'10000000' '01000000' '00100000'
'00010000' '00001000' '00000100' '00000010' '00000001'
how do i fix this?
I think that there is something wrong with C......maybe
;turn on the very left LED
movlw 0x80
movwf LED_REG
;shift to right
rrf LED_REG, 1
call quick_button_check
btfss LED_REG, 0
goto light_rotation
goto init_for_loop
Received on Tue May 27 01:41:30 2008
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