ESDS Mailing List
Re: hw1

Re: hw1

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Tue Aug 21 2007 - 09:29:47 CDT

> 1)List of the three most interested embedded system topics:
> A.Hardware and software co-design
> B.Embedded operation systems
> C.System Architectures
> 2)
> A.How useful will this be to designers in the next ten years: My listed
> topics are related to software layer, which is close to applications such
> as controlling devices dut to the market demand. Consideration for
> applicaions should be taken while designing a embedded system.
> B.Is this topic of special interest to embedded system designers?
> Yes, because i think that is the overlapping area of software and
> microelectronic techniques. Both backgrouds are required.
> C.Identify a potential research project that is related to this topic and
> can be completed within the time-frame of this course.
> A controlling device spcially designed for automization in Container
> Scanning Systems,for example.

I bet you know more about Container Scanning Systems than I do. If you will
teach me about them, I can help look for a related research problem.

-Robert Dick-
Received on Tue Aug 21 22:29:47 2007

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