ESDS Mailing List
Re: HW1 topic selection

Re: HW1 topic selection

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Tue Aug 21 2007 - 09:26:57 CDT

Li, Zheng:
> Here is my topic selection, hope we could discuss it:
> 1. Heterogeneous multiprocessor system-on-chip design and synthesis1) How
> useful will this be to designers in the next ten years?In next ten years,
> complicated application requires that the Embeddedsystem should use more
> processing elements, especially heterogeneousprocessing elements. 2) Is
> this topic of special interest to embedded system designers?Yes, single
> processor soc will not satisfy the embedded systemapplication. Designers
> will definitely need the design and synthesistechniques to implement the
> embedded system. Compare to generalpurpose designer who will focus on
> homogeneous multiprocessor,Embedded system designer will focus
> heterogeneous more, because of theapplication specific nature. 3) Identify
> a potential research project that is related to this topicand can be
> completed within the time-frame of this coursePartition of tasks between a
> given set of heterogeneous multiprocessors

Good topic. However, it was done in the early 1990s and done efficiently for
multiple optimization objectives around 2000. Here is one twist on
the idea. Can assignment be done efficiently on-line by an operating system?
There is already support for thread migration. However, special guidance
will be needed due to processor and task heterogeneity. Can the OS and CPU
performance counters learn the properties of tasks on-line and do assignment

-Robert Dick-
Received on Tue Aug 21 22:26:57 2007

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