12 November 2007 | Xi Chen's first paper, “Operating System Controlled Processor-Memory Bus Encryption,” was accepted to the Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference. Congratulations to Xi Chen! Lan Bai and Tam Chantem also each had their papers accepted at the conference. |
11 November 2007 | Jack Cosgrove's first paper, “PICSEL: Measuring User-Perceived Performance to Control Dynamic Frequency Scaling,” was accepted to the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. Congratulations to Jack, and his co-author Arindam Mallik! |
10 November 2007 | One of Robert Dick's papers was selected by the Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference as one of the 30 most influential papers in the past 10 years. |
23 August 2007 | Lei Yang's inventions, CRAMES and PBPM, won a Computerworld Horizon Award. Dr. Haris Lekatsas and Dr. Srimat Chakradhar collaborated closely on this project. Congratulations to Lei Yang! |
21 August 2007 | Robert Dick will be serving on the Technical Program Committee for the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference. |
20 August 2007 | We have received a grant from the National Science Foundation for work on Optimizing the Client/Server Environment Subject to User Satisfaction. Dr. Brett Fleisch is the program officer. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Peter Dinda (PI) and Prof. Gokhan Memik. |
17 August 2007 | Robert Dick will be giving a short course on Embedded System Design and Synthesis at Tsinghua University. |
16 August 2007 | We have received a grant from the National Science Foundation for work on Temperature-Aware Multiprocessor System-On-Chip Synthesis. Dr. Sankar Basu is the program officer. This is a single-PI project. |
16 August 2007 | We have received a grant from the National Science Foundation for work on Sensor Network Synthesis — Opening the Use of Wireless Sensor Networks to Application Experts. Dr. David Du is the program officer. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Peter Dinda, Prof. Pai Chou (UC Irvine), Prof. Charles Dowding, and Dean Lawrence Henschen. |
16 August 2007 | We have received a grant from the National Science Foundation for work on Integrated Power Delivery — Hardware-Software Techniques to Eliminate Off-Chip Regulation from Embedded Systems. Dr. Helen Gill is the program officer. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Russ Joseph (PI), Prof. David Brooks (Harvard, PI), and Prof. Gu-Yeon Wei (Harvard). |
30 June 2007 | We have received a grant from the Semiconductor Research Corporation for work on Thermal Modeling, Management, and Optimization for High-Performance Integrated Circuit Testing. Dr. William Joyner is the program officer. This project is in collaboration with Professor Niraj K. Jha (Princeton, PI) and Professor Li Shang (Queen's). |
10 June 2007 | Seunghoon Kim's first paper, “Power Deregulation: Eliminating Off-Chip Voltage Regulation Circuitry From Embedded Systems,” was accepted to the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis. Congratulations to Seunghoon! |
6 June 2007 | Changyun Zhu's and Zhenyu Gu's article, “Towards an Ultra-Low-Power Architecture Using Single-Electron Tunneling Transistors,” has been nominated for a Best Paper Award at the Design Automation Conference. Congratulations to Changyun and Zhenyu! |
16 May 2007 | We have received a grant from the Semiconductor Research Corporation for work on Temperature-Aware Architectural and Physical Design of Reliable Integrated Circuits. Dr. David Yeh is the program officer. This project is in collaboration with Professor Li Shang (Queen's) and Professor Hai Zhou. |
8 May 2007 | Robert Dick will be serving on the Technical Program Committee for Design, Automation, and Test in Europe. |
24 April 2007 | Ai-Hsin Liu has received a job offer from Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. She will join a group that does system-on-chip design and verification for desktop and notebook storage systems and consumer electronics. |
23 April 2007 | David Bild will be joining our research group in Fall 2007. He is currently finishing his Bachelor's degree at the EECS Department of Northwestern University. |
23 April 2007 | Lide Zhang will be joining our research group in Fall 2007. She is currently finishing her Bachelor's degree at the Microelectronics Department of Tsinghua University in Beijing. |
22 April 2007 | Lei Yang's invention, CRAMES, will first ship in NEC FOMA 904i phones in Europe and Japan in June 2007. |
9 Mar. 2007 | Robert Dick will be serving as the Specification Languages and Models Technical Program Sub-Committee Chair for the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis, one of the three big conferences of Embedded Systems Week. |
17 Feb. 2007 | Stephen Tarzia has won the Graduate School's Dr. John N. Nicholson Fellowship. Congratulations to Stephen! |
17 Feb. 2007 | Robert Dick is now an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems. |
6 Feb. 2007 | Sasha Jevtic's first paper, “Lucid Dreaming: Reliable Analog Event Detection for Energy-Constrained Applications,” was accepted to the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks. Congratulations to Sasha, and to his co-author, Mat Kotowsky! |
1 Feb. 2007 | Yongpan Liu has received an offer of a faculty position at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Yongpan is a Ph.D. student in Professor Huazhong Yang's research group at Tsinghua University. He and Professor Yang collaborative closely with our group. |
31 Jan. 2007 | Robert Dick will be serving on the Technical Program Committee of the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis, one of the three big conferences of Embedded Systems Week. |
4 Dec. 2006 | Lei Yang won a Graduate School Presidential Fellowship, the most prestigious fellowship for senior Northwestern Ph.D. and MFA students. Congratulations to Lei Yang! |
1 Aug. 2006 | Ai-Hsin Liu's first paper, “Automatic Run-Time Extraction of Communication Graphs from Multithreaded Applications,” was accepted to the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis. Congratulations to Ai-Hsin! |
1 Aug. 2006 | Lan Bai's first paper, “Automated Compile-Time and Run-Time Techniques to Increase Usable Memory in MMU-Less Embedded Systems,” was accepted to the International Conference on Compilers and Architecture for Embedded Systems. Congratulations to Lan Bai, and to her co-author, Lei Yang! |
Page maintained by Robert Dick.