ESDS Mailing List
Re: paper on Heteroogeneous multiprocessor

Re: paper on Heteroogeneous multiprocessor

From: Robert Dick <dickrp_at_avoiding.spam>
Date: Tue Aug 21 2007 - 09:20:39 CDT

> Dear sir
> I am the student from your embedded systems class. The project
> topic I chose is "Heterogeneous multiprocessor system-on-chip desgn
> problem". Could you give me some papers about this research field? Thanks
> very much.


There are a lot of other papers in the area and we will read some of them in
class. However, if I need to suggest a place to start for the project, you
can consider these.

Take a look at the paper by Zhu, Gu, Dick, and Shang on the course website.
The general problem definition is fine. However, what about the method used
for calculating system MTTF? Can that be improved by permitting a more
complete exploration of the fault lattice? What sort of run-time techniques
would be required to detect and adapt to such faults?

See the paper by Gu, Wang, Dick, and Zhou and the paper by Gu, Yang, Wang,
Dick, and Shang. Can specific parts of this work be improved? For example,
what about the slack distribution algorithm or the proposed physical design

-Robert Dick-

-Robert Dick-
Received on Tue Aug 21 22:20:39 2007

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